Friday, November 11, 2011

They see me mowin'... my front lawn

"True friends are always together in spirit."
- Anne of Green Gables

Here I am sitting, watching the BYU vs USU game realizing I never documented my amazing weekend trip to visit my longtime friend Susan, up in Logan. But better late then never. Susan has been my friend from before birth and I mean that literally. In the Spirit World Sus and I were best friends so we made a pact that birth would not separate us. So we put our little angel skills together and made sure her dad didn't get the job in Idaho and mine didn't get the one in Wisconsin. I mean, we were that good! We were only separated for six months when we both sensed each other in a sacrament meeting. So we did what any other babies would have done that shared brainwaves... we bawled. (just so you know, we still share brainwaves) And promptly had to be taken out to the mother's room, where our moms met and found out we were related. So not only is Susan one of my best friends, she is my fourth cousin. We've been inseparable since. Even through two ward changes and going to two different elementary schools. Our friendship even lasted through the interstate rival of BYU and USU (hence the reminder I needed to write this) although I think USU sees it of more of a rivalry then BYU does... just saying. Hope Susan will still love me after that comment. :)

Anyways, we've gone back and forth to visit each other and it was my turn to enter into the 'hurd.' My first full day there we did some porch sitting. Which constitutes sitting on the porch and waiting for cool  people to come and talk to you. It really works! You sit... on the porch... and boys come and talk to you. Why did I not think of this before! It's brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! I realized how much I missed the whole collage experience. It was great.

That evening we went to the USU fight and a hockey game broke out. And let me tell you... I have never seen so many bitter fans. They weren't even playing their imaginary rival BYU. It was Montana State for goodness sake!  One of their favorite chants is, "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!" A player got ejected from the game... has that EVER happened in the history of hockey? I thought no matter who bad your 'foul' (I am showing my lack of knowledge on the subject of hockey) you just got put in the 'time out' plenty box for 10 minutes like a bad little boy, and then you could come back in and play? Well, you thought wrong, Danielle. Anyway, I went with Rebecca, my other friend that is also roomies with Susan, because Susie-q was on a date! So of course when Susan and her date sat three rows in front of us, what did Becca and I do? Threw candy wrappers at them. Real mature. And then took funny face pictures. So needless we turned into those annoying girls that real sports fans hate. You know the ones that talk and laugh through the whole game? The ones that distract the avid hockey fan because we have no clue what it going on. Yeah, that was us.
Before the game. How pretty! 

At the game... how pretty?
After the game, Susan was still on her date, so Becca and I had to find some age appropriate way to entertain ourselves until she came home.  So we wrote all of the lyrics to that classic song, White N' Nerdy on every single mirror in their apartment. The bathroom, the hallway, each bedroom and even Susan's little personal makeup mirror. Yes, we did. It took us almost two hours but was so worth it.
Oh, Weird Al... how we love your brilliance 

And this one too!
Then another classic college tradition. A Beto's run at midnight and talking about the date while eating our spoils!

 Saturday consisted of getting up late and watching the pink bible version of Pride and Prejudice in our PJs. Then off to half of a football game. Perfect recipe for a fall Saturday! Afterwards that high adventure began. Susan and I went rock climbing with two guys from her ward. You know that phrase what goes up must come down? Well, I have this talent of 'coming down' before I even get up. That's right I biffed it even before I made it to the rock. This consisted of me sliding on my belly down the trail almost all the way back to the road. It was a good thing Becca talked me into changing into a t-shirt. One of Susan's friends had to help me up. Oh, embarrassment. And of course I am prideful but there was really no way out of the situation but to... gasp... accept a boy's help. Curse my inner feminist!  It turned into a really funny situation about how he really wanted to hold my hand, and succeeding and me checking out his butt. Yeah, don't ask, it just happened. But guess what? After my fall, I actually went up! On a rock. In real nature. I really did, although I have no pictures to prove it. Sad day. Susan and I were just so excited to go we forgot our camera. Going down the trail was fun too, cause we had no light and it was pitch black. When we finally got down, one of the boys announced that he realized he had a flash light the whole time! Silly boy! It was classic. Four people struggling... through the dark... over real rocks... in real nature... just to find out they had a light the whole time. Oh, well. After gettin' dirty and feeling like a boy, Susan and I decided we needed to have some balance in our lives and do something girly. So we grabbed Becca and went to the mall to buy smelly lotion and pretty jewelry. And because I was visiting and it was my last normal day, I went to the mall in my 'naturally sandblasted jeans' and the grunge look. So girly...
Not me... not even close. But that is about as high up as I got.
 Just wanted to give you a visual

Thanks to Rebecca Black I now know that after Saturday, Sunday comes afterwooords... which for the Mormon community can sometime be the busiest day. Church, dinner group, making treats for ward prayer, going to ward pray, watching a mormon movie, and staying up until 3 in the morning talking about boys. Yeah, just another Sunday for a stereotypical single Mormon girl. Oh, and get this... the lesson during RS/Priesthood was on dating and the law of chastity. Typical. I now remember why I chose to go to the family ward this summer/fall. I had to go home the next day and Susan had to go back to class. Why, real world? Why? But it was just the break I needed!

So it is the end of the game and BYU lost, but no worries Susan and I's friendships is still intact. :D

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog! It always makes me smile. And when I read your latest title, I laughed out loud. Remember how we were going to learn all the lyrics to white n nerdy? hahahaha good times!
