Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm in love....

With Carmona... don't worry. :) A little about the pictures I am sending you... The one with the food is the Cusile Family. They are both returned missionaries and newly married, and they feed us every week because they miss being missionaries and they say we are like their children. The other boy in the pictures is Jewel, he works with us almost everyday and is preparing his mission papers right now. The family with the 3 little boys, is my favorite family, the  Evangalista family I told you about last week. Aren't they the cutest? The two little girls are neighbors, and always tell me how beautiful I am and always touch me and my clothes. I love them all! And the duck. He belongs to a member (as does the little boy holding the duck).

So last Tuesday was Zone meeting and it was super good! The San Gab district only needs 30 more active Melchizedek (or how ever you spell that) Priesthood holders to become a stake! Malapit na! As a Zone we set the goal to have it happen before October. We are all so pumped. We are the smallest zone in the mission. There are only 5 companionships and most of us (including Sister Pacinio and me) are actually working two areas. So it's a lot of work for just a few of us but President Stucki has asked us to make it happen, so we are refocusing our efforts again on retaining and reactivating. It will be cool to see it happen too. The branches are excited.

On Friday we had interviews with President and Sister Stucki, which of course is always good. Poor Sister Stucki, though, so many missionaries are getting sick and some are even in the hospital. One Sister in our zone was out for three weeks and one of those weeks she spent in the Hospital.Her phone never stopped buzzing the whole time she was there. She looked tired. President always know just what to say to make me feel better about what I am doing and gets me excited to continue pushing on. They are both so good.

It was a week of a lot of first, too! I showered out of a bucket for the first time, because there was no, and I mean NO water pressure. I also showered with a butike. I pretty sure I spelled that wrong but it's pronounced boo-tee-key, and they are the noisy little lizards that lose their tails if you scare them. And they have a nasty habit of jumping off the ceiling and scurrying who knows which direction. So needless to say I showered with my glasses on and was ready to jump at a moments notice. Luckily he waited until I was done before he dropped right to the place I was standing not two minutes before. :)

It's rained for 3 days straight. No joke. Manila is flooding, but what else is new. It's always flooding. Some of the city missionaries weren't allowed to work some days this week because the rain was up to their hips. Luckily the rain is only to our ankles here, although it has come into some people's houses. But they are amazing. They just scoop it out and move on like nothing happened. And we go out everyday, armed with out umbrellas, rubber shoes, and scriptures covered in plastic. And come home soaking wet and have to put out everything (including our money) to dry.

Sunday attendance was pretty low, because of the rain. At 9, you had the missionaries and the Branch Presidency. At 9:10 the RS and Primary presidents rolled in. And by 9:15 the EQ showed up, and right after the sacrament the speakers squeaked in. We only had one investigator, which is super low for us. The branch president was a little discouraged as were we. but hopefully next week attendance will be back up again. One of the counselors had us over a couple weeks ago for a FHE and I was in charge of games, so we played Big Buddha. They loved it! I guess they play it all the time as a family now, and every time they see me they sing the song and do the actions. So if Big Buddha becomes the big thing in the Philippines, you will all now where it started. With me.

So I haven't gotten any letters recently. Not because you haven't been writing them, but because I no longer live right next door to the Zone Leaders, and they keep forgetting to bring them. But we are having a zone lunch later on today, and Sister Pacinio has threatened them repeatedly, so hopefully today I hear some news.

I love you all so so so so so much!
Hugs and Kisses from Carmona!
Sister Lyons  

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