Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First Transfer...

Danielle has been moved... and yet she still finds herself stranded on a beautiful tropical island. How does that girl swing stuff like this?

This week's email and pictures:

From Carmona! That's right I am still in the Provence! Yippee! Sayan, walang apalaya dito, pero maraming magangang Mountains (wow you have no idea how long that took me to figure out how to spell that) and maraming rice fields. My companion is native. Her name is Sister Pacinio, and she is super cute! I love her and the area already. I love that everyone assumes I speak Tagalog. It's great! Because guess what? I can now answer back... most of the time. And it's language study 27/7. I am starting to think in taglish, because it is a lot easer then thinking in English and then translating. Wow! I am really struggling to write this email. I can't imagine not having any investigators, like Andrea. Here, they basically find you. Like this one experience. One day we were having many unplanned opportunities (we don't use the word punted any more) . At this one point both Sister Pacinio and I just stopped and started talking to the same person. While we were talking to her, her friend came up and started listing. Come to find out, she is a less active member and her family is active in her home town. She moved here a year ago and is married to a non-member. She asked us when we could come teach her husband. He eventually came out, too and started talking to us. And then a wife of a less active member we were on out way to visit walked down the street, and asked for a Book of Mormon. It was like one right after another! And because there were so many of them Sister Pacinio and I were talking to 2 different groups. That's right I gave a lesson on the side of the street, all by myself, in Tagalog, and the guy is willing to listen. My Tagalog has improved so much just over the last 3 days.

It was really hard to say goodbye to Naic. So many people fed us that last week. And Evelyn (the one that lives really close to us and was the one that always said hi to us?) gave me these really beautiful diamond earrings. Wendy said she would hide me. And I'm pretty sure I made a few Nanays cry. And I cried. I don't have anything else really to say so I just send you the last batch of Naic pictures. After this Carmona lang!

Loves you all so so so so so so so so so so so very much!
Sister Lyons  
A little more about the area. It is huge! Some of the members have to spend more the 200 pesos to get to church. That is a huge sacrifice, because most only make about 100 peso a day. But they come. It is still a branch, but alot smaller then Naic, people wise. But the members are amazing. They love to feed us and work with us. I am super duper excited about this transfer. I've been reading the Priesthood talks... there amazing! (yes we are just barely getting the conference issue) Keep sending pictures and letters and boxes (just kidding on that one!) But I still love you tons!

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