Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Sister Missionary Diaries

In an attempt to protect the author of these writings, I have left out the "Hey mom, can you send me some more underwear?" style comments and have copied over what you've all been waiting for... excerpts from the Sister Missionary Diaries. Abridged, but unedited. Pure Danielle. Enjoy.

Welcome to the MTC... Her very first email...

"My companions name is Sister Snow. She is from Alberta Canada. She has so much energy and is so happy all the time, it''s great! We live in a doram room with 4 other sisters. So it''s like freshmen year, just with all of us in the same room. The first day was a whirlwind! I haven''t time to be homesick ever since. So no worries. They started in full Tagalog right away. No English. Crazy! It takes basically all day so I barely have time to think in english. But I think that is a good thing because I can pray, bear my testimony, and tell people where to find things in the scriptures. Tagalog is like a mix between spanish, samoan, and japanese. Funny story. Here we great people in our lauguage, so we say Kamusta! which sounds an aweful lot like como esta. The spanish elders look at us like were stupid and then when we answer back Mabuti! they just look confused. It is one of sister snow''s and I''s favorite things to do. Their faces are priceless."

I'm sorry for saying I'm sorry... I promise I'll never say it again...

"So to start off I want to share with you my new most embarrassing moment ever. It was just a great day all together I tripped on nothing and totally biffed it right in front of a whole group of Elders. Pretty sure I flased them on the way up and the way down. I also fell asleep during personal study which casued be to startle awake and drop my pen much to the amusment of my Elders. And then here comes the cake. So we were teaching Rodrigo (Our pretend Investigator) for the 3rd time. All in Tagalog. Anyway, he was telling us this whole sob story about his family... yada yada yada... when I decied to give him a heart felt we're sorry. Sorry in Tagalog is 'Pacensiya' (Pronounced pa-sent-cha) and out came.... wait for it... placenta. That's right I said as clear as day placenta. Good thing he was pretending or eternal savaltion down the drain! Anyway I turned bright red and my companion started businting a gut, so we just walked out. When we got back to class, all the Elders wanted to know why we were laughing so hard. Um... yeah. So finaly they dragged it out of us. Two busted up laughing. Two laughed because they felt awkward and then the other two laughed because everyone else was. Can you imagine the converstation they had that night? "Hey, so um... Elder... What's a... you know... a placenta?"  Classic!"

She's such a missionary!

"On to more spritual stuff. So a few days ago we sang God be with you till We Meet Again in tagalog. I almost started to cry. I had this feeling that someday I would sing this song for reals. As in the right words, but more importatnly with people that I love and will leave and probably not see them until the next life. I already miss people that I haven't even met yet. Also, Sister Snow and I taught the First Vision yesterday (without any books) for the first time. It was sweet to see how even simple phrases of broken tagalog can bring such a spirit into the room. But there really is power in saying, "I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and he resotred Christ gospel on the earth." Also reading the accont of the fist vision, even though I hardly understand anything, brings a feeling of excitment and the spirt. I am finding out the meaning of pure testimony even more and more here. That is because that's all I can say, but that is all that is needed. The language is hard, but they keep stressing the language of the sprit is the most important language to speak. Although sometimes I wish they had called me english speaking. But sister snow and sis hoopes both put no language. So The Lord send you where you are suppose to go. The language is really hard for sister snow (although she is doing better then she thinks) but I keep getting the feeling it will be ok. God will be with me and helping me."

And just a little extra snippet for fun...
"Mom, just so you know, I love your cooking. These past couple of days I have not felt like eating. (Don't worry I do, cause I'm starving all the time) I just miss your food and all the different flavor so much! While I like 19 year old boys, I do not like the food they eat. So thank you!"

Note: I hope Sister Lyons will forgive me for including her embarrassing moment in a blog for the world to see. For any potential blushing this post may someday cause, I am truly placenta. 

1 comment:

  1. Whoever is posting this, I love it. It cracks me up. I saw Danielle today, it was her p-day. She was out cruising Provo. Jk. I work at the MTC and I talked to her and Sister Snow and they seemed quite happy and we talked missions. Love this girl.
