Friday, January 27, 2012

Hot dogs are so predictable...

For all of you Sister Lyons followers out there... a couple of snippets from her most recent email. Her Tagalog is coming along extremely well... and her English spelling is getting really creative, don't you think?

"So this week has been another rollercoster. So let's get started. Sunday was amazing! For Relif socitey we usually have some one from one of the womans auxillerally board members come and speak to us, but this sunday we had Sister Wixom, the gerenal primary president. It was so good! She started off saying that 1 million primary children are praying for the missionaries, so we cannot fail. Isn't that so cute and so true! He whole talk was based off the primary song, "I am a child of God." She told us this is one of the most important messages we can share with the children. She challenged us to learn it in our language and then teach it to every child we meet. Because everyone needs to know they are loved and they have a loving heavenly father."

"So after this spritual high, Branch Pres came in our room and wanted to talk to me. He asked me to be the new coordinating sister. Whaaaa? That's what i said and you probably are saying the same thing, but more like what is a coordinating sister? It's basically the female zone leader/closest thing there is to a RS pres in the branch. It means I have to go to a ton of meething, do orientation of the new sisters, interview all the sisters, and report back to President Stott. Gah! I of couse said yes, but then felt extreamly underqualified and stressed. But no worries God loves and so all is well!"

"Sister Snow is still the best. She is doing so well with the language, and we taught our first lesson without any notes! English or Tagalog! It was one of the best lessons we have ever taught. We also added another investigator the week. We will be teaching on of the other companionships. That means we have 3 progressing investigators that we have to teach 2times a week... plus TRC. If I have done my math right that is a lesson a day! Ano byon! Anyway super cazy and super exciting!"

"Sister hoopes' sister went to Bagio on her mission (and her sister's first name is danielle, how epic) anyway sister hoopes said that after about a year her sister had to have someone make her a jacket because she was cold. So I am planning to send you my coat but keep my black cardigian with me. So I will just wear that to the airport. Let's pray for good weather. I do not have a backpack, but all the teachers say all you really carries is a Book of Mormom, your planner and a TON of water. We are required to drink a certain amount each day. Oh, and a hankerchif to wipe off the sweat."

Yay for handkerchiefs. Nay for hot dogs. How much do you think she'll be willing to pay for a hot dog once she realizes she's stuck with fish every day? 3, 4, maybe 12 completos? :) 

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