Monday, April 1, 2013

Wakie Caterpillars :)

Happy Easter Fam!

I hope the Easter Bunny found you all just fine, kc he found me! I got my box last Tuesday. Thanks for the new Easter dress and ALL the candy, that has been officially all consumed as of yesterday... That's what you get when for girls live in one apartment and 4 hungry Elders live one floor up. (they can come down in about .00000005 seconds after you tell them there is food)

You asked some questions, So here's some answers. My ward is called Makati 1 (soon to be Boni 8) The biggest landmark is probably Kalayaan st. It is a really big street we have to cross everyday. Our area consists of Guadalupe Nuevo and Pinagkaisahan (yeah, that took me awhile to get down) It is probably not the Stake President in my Stake, because I am not really in Manila. Makati is it's own city. It's confusing. There is Metro Manila, which is all of the big cities here, but then there is just a Manila, which is where the capital is. Easter, doesn't really exist here, oh, but Holy Week does. Everything shuts down one Wednesday, and everyone sits around singing songs to Jesus... really loudly.  Which is not that different then every other night, when they sit around and do videoke. Just different topic, but the red horse intake is about the same. Then on Friday, no one takes a bath. And the city looks like a ghost town. On Saturday they have all these parades (that are really long and makes it hard to get places and I always feel slightly guilty, because the white hand book says to avoid that kind of stuff... whoops!) But they all have really pretty white flowers and dresses. Then on Sunday, all the stores open up again, and everyone goes back to work.

Now of my week...

Monday: We had FHE with one of my favorite families, the Fajardos (i will try and send a picture) The Elders were in charge of games. We played mind games... I they loved they we didn't know them. And they would always try and make us loose. Those little stinkers! :)

Tuesday: Package day!

Wednesday: Sister Thopmson and I walked and walked until 5 and still did not find anyone at home. We both got a little sun burnt. But then after that we had some really good lessons.

Thursday:I'm pretty sure something happened. Wednesdays and Thursdays are always a little blurry...

Friday:Was another day of walking. We were trying to contact the last few less actives and former investigators. It was late and most everyone that we had been to, had moved. I was about ready to get up, but out of desperation, we went to the last name on the list. He was there as was his wife (who is not a member). They told us that just earlier that week they were feeling God had forgotten them. They have had really hard lives but they were so open and grateful that we came. I was just grateful, we hadn't given up.Oh, and Elder Morales also transferred. It was a sad day. :( So we all had to take pictures. He is the one making the screaming face. You can't tell what he really looks like, but it is my favorite of all of us.

Saturday: was a good busy day, with lots of good lessons

Sunday  Ryan came to church! He is a returned missionary and a great person, but he has just made some mistakes in his life that make his a little shy to come to church. Two week ago he committed to come to church, but fell asleep, because his work is from 6pm to 6am and our church is at 10. He felt really bad that he wasn't able to come, but he committed to come this week. We taught him on Monday and on Friday night planning Sister Thompson and I both felt that we needed to visit him again on Saturday, to keep his commitment fresh in his mind. Our appointment before him went a little long, so when we got to his house he was leaving for work, but we were just able to make contact with him and remind him. On Sunday his whole family walked in, but him. But as we were singing the opening hymn, he walked in! He told us that he hadn't gone to sleep just to make sure he could make it to sacrament. He looked so tried but so happy. He is the really tall on in the back of the picture with lots of people. That was our FHE.

Oh, the other picture is a green Caterpillar and me! It was the biggest one I have ever seen. So I had to pick it up and take a picture with it. I haven't changed that much. :) But I still love you all!

Love you more then green things and wakie pictures (means silly)!
Sister Lyons

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