Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's not like I'm in another country or something...

Magandang Hapon po galing sa Naic.....

That's right... this email finds me back in Naic. Kinda. Earlier Sister Asif went home and our transfer day isn't until thrusday, so am temporarily here in Naic (Trece to be exact, so not the same as my first area, but I am super duper close!) Ah Nako! I just want to go visit every one I know and love here, but I can't so I won't.

So this week consisted of a lot of packing, tears, saying goodbye's, and marami marami dinner appointments! I am so full! Yesterday we had three dinners. And they all want to feed you more then your stomach can possibly hold... and then times that by three.

But we also had lots and lots of good experiences.
First Tatay Ernesto. A long long time ago, we gave him a pamphlet, almost in passing. And we forgot where he lived so we really never thought to go back to him. One day, we were walking and we got a text. And I have this inability to text and walk at the same time. So we stopped. Right in front of his house. He saw us and said, "Sister's! Come inside! It's hot and I read your pamphlet." He then asked if he could ask us some questions about it. Sure, why not. :) He was a pastor before and left his ministry, because he felt people served to get money and recognition. So the fact that we have lay (is that right?) was very appealing to him. He had so many good doctrinal questions about the Godhead, people seeing God, and even that we lived before this life. He knows that Bible like the back of his hand. He sure keeps us on our toes, when it come to knowing our Bible. But luckily I had had the impression to start reading the New Testament again, and we were able to answer all of his questions.  We gave him a Book of Mormon. And his basically begged us to come back. When we had come back he read all the way to Alma. I loved it! But once again he had so many questions! All we did for 2 hours was answer his questions. But he wouldn't except what we said unless we could prove it with the Bible and the Book of Mormon. He even told us, "The Book of Mormon is the same as the Bible. Everything that is in the Bible is in the Book of Mormon!" Highlight of this story (so far!) is he came to church yesterday, and accepted a baptismal date. But in December pa! KC he want's to know know before he gets baptized. So if you have any references about how Jesus Christ becomes the Father, that would be helpful. He understands that they are three seperate beings so that concept of Christ becoming our Father because of the Atonement. Just the scripture in Alma 11 (I think, the one where Amulek and Zeezorom are taking) is really thowing him. We tried to explain about the atonement, but it is just not making sense to him. So if you have any brilliant ideas, that would be awesome!   

Do you remember the Bayugo family? They are the less active family we found in Langkiwa? We basically ran right into Nanay and they were so excited to get a Book of Mormon? Well, they come to church yesterday and they walked. It is a 20minute Jeepny ride to the entrence of Langkiwa and then a 10 minute walk to their house. They didn't have any money but they really wanted to come to church. Nanay is super old and has a had time walking and seeing, sister is 7 months pregnant, and they had a 4 year old and a 9 year old with them. Talk about sacrifice. They got up so early they didn't have time to eat before they come. By the time they got to church they we tired, hot, and hungry, but they were happy!  It is so touching to see what people sacrifice.

I don't know if I told you about kim. But she is a referral from a member, and is super interested. She always reads all of her assignment twice to make sure she really understands them. It was her birthday on Tuesday, and she invited us over. (all they do here on birthday's is eat... I think I am in the right place) We had district meeting that day, and one set appointment, so we said we would come but that we would be late. Well, district meeting went super long! So we were late to our set appointment, and thus super duper late to kim's house. All of the other guess had left, but she had saved us some food. It was fun just to talk to her while we ate. And then her husband came home. He has never listened to us. The first time he wouldn't even come in the house when we were there. So we were kinda nervous when he showed up, as was Kim. But he was super nice, and just started eating and talking to us as well. After awhile he just started asking questions about our religion, and you know what? All of his questions followed lesson one. We taught him a whole lesson without him even knowing. Sneaking! But Kim was super excited, so hopefully they will come to church next week!

I still want pictures! I have no idea what this wedding looks like. I am going to imagine that it is super ugly until you show me otherwise. I don't even know what the bride and groom look like! I haven't even been invited! What is this? It's not like I'm in another county or something. :)

Love you more then getting up at 4 in the morning... wait that's not very much love...
I love you more then wedding pictures.... that's better!
Sister Lyons

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