Monday, April 30, 2012

Pregnant squid is edible???

Did I tell you I've eaten a pregnant squid? Eggs and all? Oh, and it's ink? And that all the fish and crabs still have eyes? And I eat sardines whole? And I didn't though up? Didn't even gag!  Also, I am a lot tanner, skinnier and blonder then I use to be. I put on my jeans for service and was worried they were not going to stay up. Elder Stirland offered me some rope. Elders... always so helpful. 

This week we had a new investigator. She just lives down the street from us. She always smiles and waves at us like she knows us, but we are always running late to an appointment whenever we walk that way, so we have never been able to stop to talk to her. We have even written her in our planners twice. So finally this week we were determined to visit her. The moment she could tell we were coming to talk to her, she was like come in come in! And feed us. She said that every time we would walk by she would wish we would come and visit her. She was almost giddy that we came. We had only been there for 5 minutes and I already felt like we had been visiting her for a long time. We automatically loved each other. We shared about the Book of Mormon, and the next time we came she had started reading from the beginning and talked about how good it felt when she read it. We had planned to teach her Lesson 1 through prophets, but we started talking about the Holy Ghost. When we explained that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost were three different people, it was like a light bulb turned on. She said that she had been wondering her whole life how they could be 1 person. She said that it never made sense to her before, but now it was clear and made perfect sense. It was just cool. She has two cute little kids, who already love us as well. We gave them a copy of the picture story book of the Book of Mormon and they were already looking at it before we left. 

We had national day of service on Saturday. That was fun to go and do something different. We planted trees in this national forest place and then 'raked' leaves. I put that in quotes because the gardening tools here are not the same as at home. We dug holes with bamboo and racked with sticks tied together in a bundle. It was awesome, and super pretty. 

We have two baptisms this Saturday. Tatay Godofredo and Lecel are going to be baptized. They are both so ready and so excited! As am I!

Loves you all so so so so so so so so so very much! 
Sister Lyons

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