Monday, February 27, 2012

Looking for the perfect get-away? How about a cock farm on the beach...

Sister Lyons has arrived safely in Manila! She is having quite the adventures already, as you shall see in excerpts below from her very first foreign-sent email. Enjoy!


So after I talked to you on the phone at the airport, the Elders and I went to check in. It was only the three of us, because we got separated from the rest of our group. (which was no big deal.) But anyway, Elder Pappas and I were talking a lot (cause Elder Carr is always off in his own lala cute) but anyway we were waiting in line and taking when elder Carr's turn came to go check in. So Elder Pappas and I were just waiting (don't worry elder carr was still in sight and sound) when another line comes open, so Elder Pappas goes to take it and I wait for my turn (it is not busy at all) When all of the sudden elder Pappas is like, "Sister Lyons, come here." So I go over thinking he has a problem and he want his older sister to fix it, but when I get there he is beet red and supper flustered (this kid never gets flustered...ever!) I'm thinking what is going on? I ask him what he needs and he is like, "I don't know, they just told me to get you." He is stuttering and can’t even look me in the eye. They lady helping him comes back and asks for my passport. I hand it to her, and she started talking to us, and I realize that she thinks we are together. Not like missionary together but together together. So I don't know if she told Elder Pappas to get his wife or his girlfriend, but it was classic! She was talking to him like he was the head of our household. She handed both of our tickets and passports to him and told him not to worry we were sitting next to each other. I probably should have corrected her, but I was dying of laughter (on the inside) and Elder Pappas was too shocked to say anything! I have never seen him want to be with his companion soooo much! It was the best moment of my life!


I don't understand hardly anything anyone says to me, but I'm pretty sure that's normal. But it makes my head spin. I totally conked out during RS yesterday. Great way to build trust with the sisters! But oh well! Good thing they are super nice. 


I work in a branch probably about the size of 3 of our stakes. It is huge but it is split between us and the elders. Oh, my companions name is Sister Stonick (stone+ick) she is really good, but I have a lot to learn and she is not afraid to tell me. :) It will be good! :)

Our investigators are great. I wish I could tell you more about them, but I don't remember their names. We actually have a lot of men interested, but their wives are not. That's a switch from the usual. They are really good and nice and do not laugh at me when I bear my testimony of pray (because that is all I can do... and even then it is hit and miss). 


I am in Naic, which is right next to the beach. Yep that means I get to walk ON THE BEACH almost every day. Naic is rural. So while it is not in the city, it is never quite. I have taught in places that are cardboard boxes nailed to some ply wood to cement houses, and everything else in between. My perception of poor and rich has changed significantly over that last couple of days. Cement with windows means they have money. Kinda makes you grateful. I am spoiled because the Fornash's have a dryer and a washing machine, so I don't have to wash clothes by hand yet, and my shower is a normal one (kinda... we'll call it normal.)


So I live in a triplex thingy. Right next to us is the Fornash's, a senior couple. They are kinda like our parents... make sure we are eating enough, going to bed on time. Stuff like that. The 3rd apartment is where the elders live. They are funny, like most elders are.

The people are amazing. I am kinda a freak show because I am white and tall. They all want my white skin. There are places here and creams to make your skin whiter. Strange how we all want what we can't have. We'll be teaching a lesson and I'll look out the window and 5 kids are just staring at us. One time I was walking and I felt something on my arm. I looked down and a little girl was playing with my skin. When I smiled at her, she ran away. The adults don't stare, because they are too polite, but they try to do it without being as obvious as the kids. Filipino babies are the cutest. They are so chubby and CUTE! I'm in love if you can't tell.


We live right next to a fighting cock farm, and we know it every morning about 3. We also have these house lizards, which are so cool, that chirp at each other all night long. It is beautiful here! I got chewed alive a couple of night ago and a member told me it was because the mosquitoes could see me because I was so white. Ants are super common here. I no longer am afraid of germs or bugs or anything like that. Coming back I think will be a bigger shock than getting here.  


So to get around we walk, take a bus (they don't have jeepnys here, but the buses are just as decked out) and our favorite… the tric. Which is just a motorcycle attached to a seat on two wheels. You will have to see if you can find some pictures. I have seen whole families fit in these things. But only one fat American. Oh, yeah, everyone calls me fat here, but it is not an insult, it's actually desirable. Oh, why wasn't I born Filipino? Hehehe!

 I love it here so much! 

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